Seth Liu
October 15 2024
Personal Testimony
Ever since I was little, my parents brought me to church on a regular base, they prayed with me every night and read bible stories to me.
On April 1st, 2012, my parents even dedicated me to God in First Baptist Church, Wichita, Kansas. When I came to KCCC, I continued to attend Sunday School and Kids Church. I also had opportunities to participate in bible memorizing contests. Even after all of this, I was still a very naughty kid.
As I grew, I found sins such as lying, cheating, stealing, and disrespect towards many people becoming more of a habit in my life. Knowing that what Romans 3:23a “For the wages of sin is death” was true, I turned to God in despair to help me change into a better person. In this process, God shed His light with me through Romans 3:23b, which states “but the gift of God is eternal life” This gave me hope that God could still save me from this snare of unrighteousness. As the years passed, I finally understood what Ephe
Now, as a true follower of Christ, I ultimately plan to grow in faith and fellowship in God.
Thank you!